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Wind Riders - The Native American Flute£10.00
Afrika Mamas£10.00
Celtic Voyage£8.00
Discover Music from the Middle East£8.00
Magical Flutes from the Andes - Aconcagua£8.00
The Art of the Greek Bouzouki£10.00
BEST OF CUBA - Los Van Van Luis Frank Rudy Calzado Soneros de Verdad…£8.00
Music of the Old Jewish World£10.00
Yiddish Journey - The Music of Lenka Lichtenberg£10.00
20 Famous Irish Ballads - The Dubliners Declan Hunt Aran Folk Terry O’Neill…£10.00
Kamarinskaya - The Russian Folk Ensemble Balalaika£10.00
Source of Fire£10.00